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Life is short. Enjoy it. Join my free training, "7 Excuses Keeping You From Loving The Life You Already Have!"

I know exactly what it’s like to work relentlessly toward your goals only to feel like it's still not enough...

Growing up, I didn't have much, but I was a big dreamer. I wanted a better life, so I spent most of my adult years working toward that goal. However, I soon fell into the trap of thinking, "I'll be happy when..." I believed my life would really get good once certain things changed. After decades of running on the hamster wheel, my career collapsed, taking all my dreams with it and leading me to the happiest I've ever been in my life.

Read my story...

Three resources for every stage of your 
fall-in-love-with-life journey

7 Excuses Keeping You From Loving The Life You Already Have

Are you tired of being on the never-ending treadmill of self-improvement, hoping things will improve, but it never feels enough? This is for you.

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Mundane to Magic 1:1 Coaching

Get it all: a Living In Color Membership and my personal support. Weekly calls will help you overcome your blocks and prevent you from feeling like your life needs to be fixed.

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I feel like myself again. I called my mom to brag about finishing the program, and she said, “You know what, Margaret? Nichole has completely changed your life. You’re a completely different person.” And it’s true! - Margaret

I think that if you’re at a point where you want a positive change in your life, then Nichole is going to help you for sure. You’ve just got to open yourself to that possibility.” - Merrilee

Life is short. Enjoy it. Join my free training, "7 Excuses Keeping You From Loving The Life You Already Have!"