In 2016 I hit 6-figures in my business… BUT I was working 60+ hours a week. Ugh. I was exhausted and now I had a newborn to care for. I asked for guidance on how to make the same money only working 25 hrs a week. It took me two years to get there but I did it in 2018!

Yup. I figured out how to produce more, by s-l-o-w-i-n-g d-o-w-n. I can’t even describe how good it feels NOT to hustle so hard.
If that interest you at all I’d keep reading 🙂

We live in a society where we wear our busyness as a badge of honor. When I get on the phone with a client and she says she’s had a great day it’s often because “she’s gotten so much done.”

Don’t get me wrong I love me a highly productive day just as much as the next woman! But I’d love it if I heard, “I’ve had such a great day! I lounged around and did absolutely nothing.” just as often. 

Wait. Stop.

Did you hear how your mind resisted that?!
…We have some un-learning to do here ladies.

And here’s the danger in this all  — if we don’t feel like we’re moving forward fast enough we start to slip into depression… Lonely, sad, uninspired, feeling like crap.

We’re told that we have to be in “summer mode” constantly producing and growing 24/7… and no one can do that. Not even the great mother earth herself!

Today, we’re onto the second part of this series within the Lifestyle Pillar where we’re talking about a revolutionary approach to maximize productivity and increase your happiness.

Click The Orange Play Button Below and have your pen and paper ready…


We have been taught that if we want to up level our lives in an area (and experience more money, more joy, more romance, more of an impact), we need to ADD things onto our plate.

More time
More effort
More projects
More reading
More committees
More “fixing”
More initiative
More working on yourself
And even acquiring more stuff.

And let’s be honest here — doing more DOES get you results… But what also happens?

Our body and self-care gets bumped to the bottom of our endless lists and we start to experience…

And burnout

We start to feel desperate for a break but terrified that if you stop, everything around you will come crashing down.

Then depression can set in.

Who can relate to this?

As a recovering hustler, I’m thrilled to tell you we’ve been taught ALL WRONG.

I accidentally fell into a lifestyle that proved how SUBTRACTING from your life actually creates MORE. 

It’s truly incredible, it really freaking works and it’s increased my happiness levels, tenfold.

You’ve tried more and you know what it gets you. 

But have you tried less?

Listen in as I share this revolutionary productivity method and how it’s had a profound effect on my life.

I hope you liked this post on productivity. If it resonated with you please share with the buttons below ♥