As I’ve reminded you a lot lately I help my clients identify the voids in their life that they’re filling with food, booze, Facebook or Netflix. And when we look at their relationship with money there’s so much shame and stress they’re ready to bolt in an instant.

If you don’t think your finances aren’t affecting your health, you’re dead wrong.
Does this sound familiar…

  • You’re in bed tossing and turning about the bills and not knowing how you’re going to get everything covered…
  • So you sleep like crap and wake up feeling tired and foggy…
  • You’re on edge by lunchtime and for some reason, a smothered burrito sounds like just the thing to relax you…
  • Mid-day hits and you need a pick-me-up so you inhale a fancy coffee and a cookie.

You know how this ends (not at the gym or in front of a nourishing dinner).

You MUST look at your relationship with money if you crave a healthy lifestyle and confident body, so that’s exactly what we’re covering for the month of March.

Click the orange play button below and let’s start removing your money blocks so you can stop deflecting it from coming into your life.

Click The Orange Play Button & Let The Coaching Begin…


Having $30,000 of credit card debt was one of the hardest times in my life…. And if I’m totally honest, my self-image was in just as crappy of a place.

It was as if my body was such an easy target whenever I would start to feel the financial stress creep in.

Isn’t it crazy how we do that? Turn on our bodies so quickly?

For some reason, we believe it’s easier to beat up on our flabby belly or dimply thighs than just deal with the actual problem…

Three years later that debt was completely paid off and I can honestly tell you I’m eternally thankful for that debt.

Yes, THANKFUL to my credit card debt.

That amount of debt sitting on my shoulders got me into some serious money action.

In my heart, I knew if I wanted to get that money paid off before I was drowning in interest, then I’d have to get my MINDSET right.

Mindset problems are at the root of money issues, not working harder or finding a different job.

So I got to work.

I read eight books on money mindset as well as signing up for a few online courses.

My entire focus was on getting myself OUT of lack, scarcity and fear mindset and into an abundant, trusting and manifesting money mindset.

I was hell-bent on changing this way of living. I didn’t want to have to struggle, living paycheck-to-paycheck, cutting coupons, feeling broke all the time.

… And wow it involved a hell of a lot of self-love, because again, I was conditioned to turn on my body and blame her for all these issues.

I had to realize that even if I was thinner or more fit this problem would still exist! I couldn’t place this blame on her any longer.

“Stay the course Nichole — keep working on those shitty money beliefs that aren’t serving you. That is where financial freedom lies.” I had to remind myself.

This was such an incredible journey that yes, has manifest into a lot of money and life with so much freedom, but it manifested in a more loving relationship with my body.

This new podcast above is exactly how I started this journey.
Click the orange play button.
You can thank me later. 

I’m also hosting a free workshop at the end of the month called, ‘Manifesting Money Like a MOFO’


I hope you liked this post on money mindset. If it resonated with you please share with the buttons below ♥