
I needed to change something in my life, I was feeling alone, unfulfilled, misunderstood and unable to change things on my own. The tipping point was realizing that the closest people to me, who I continuously supported and encouraged, never gave me the support or encouragement that I needed and made me feel worse about myself whenever I tried to reach out.

I wanted to achieve contentment in my life. I felt dissatisfied with what I was doing, the people I called friends and the way I went about my day and I never made time to care for myself. I didn’t nurture my body or my soul.

The most life-shifting result of working with Nichole came a few weeks ago when I realized that I feel good. I’ve made new habits that fill me with peace, even as simple as sleeping early, doing yoga and just focusing my thoughts on the positive.

I move my body because I want to and feel the need to because it makes me feel good. Simply dancing because I have always loved it, or taking a walk in nature which is a habit I developed during this program, and doing yoga, which I also learned to love in the past year!

Through the sisterhood I’ve made many supportive friends who I know I can talk to about anything and they would understand. That’s the beauty of Nichole’s sisterhood: it’s a place where everyone can feel understood and since we’re all working towards improving ourselves and focusing on the same things it makes it that much easier to connect.

Working with Nichole was the best decision that I could have made! Nichole is not only a bubbly ball of energy that attracts you, she is also so loving and supportive in guiding you to truly connect with yourself to figure things out on a deeper level. It’s probably a place many of us never go and I’m so glad that I had the opportunity to learn to do this and to see the amazing shifts it can create in my life. For that I appreciate and love Nichole so much, who is the most amazing sister in the sisterhood.

Learn more about Wildly Alive Mastery