It was a day from hell at the office:

  • Your boss dropped a deadline bomb on you that feeling is totally impossible to meet.
  • The gossip queen of the office wouldn’t leave you alone
  • You left your healthy lunch on the kitchen counter leaving you to surrender, say “screw it!” and get a juicy cheeseburger and salty fries instead.
  • The traffic was exceptionally horrible.
  • … and now on top of all of that, you have to think about organizing holiday plans, presents, travel, and shopping

You, get out of your car, through your front door and beeline it to the kitchen ready to shove just about anything into your mouth. Salty Doritos, creamy ice cream, a glass of wine, M&M’s… Just anything to help you forget this day and relax your body.

Sound familiar?

You guessed it, for the month of December, we’re talking about Emotional and Binge Eating. The majority of women struggle with this at one point in her life so it’s always important to talk about, but especially important now because of the holidays.

Make listening to this a priority. You’ll thank me later.


Click Play & Watch How Nichole’s Coaching Changes You…


 When I was struggling with my weight and self-image, I had a terrible relationship with food. To call it dysfunctional is an understatement. It was something that I rewarded myself with and disciplined myself with. It was merely a number (or calorie). It was something that just kept me from the body I wanted.

Our first step to healing yourself from emotional eating is figuring out what food really means to you.

If we go back to our very first experience with food, yes when we were infants, what was it like? How did we feel? We were warm, wrapped up in our mother’s arms. We were getting nourishing milk. We were feeling love, right? It was an experience of love. It’s not like as infants we could disassociate the two and say, “Well this is food, and this is love.” It was one experience of food and love together.

Then, as we grow up, what happens? We have more and more experiences of food and love together at weddings, birthday parties, graduations, family functions when you’re sitting around the table with the people you love the most.

It’s food and love together.

When you start to accept the idea that food and love can be in the same experience and there’s nothing wrong with that, you actually start to automatically make food choices, that comes from a source of love.

What does that mean? Choosing foods from a source of love is choosing foods that are nourished by the soil, by the sun, by the rain, by somebody else preparing it. If you eat meat, this means choosing meats from organic or humane companies.

You can see that when you’re choosing foods from a source of love, you’re choosing foods that will love you back.

In turn, we won’t want to choose foods that are chemically made. Foods that are made to hurt our children and our loved ones that cause unhealthy addictions.

Look sister — food is not the problem. It’s your relationship with it that you must change, and I show you exactly how to do that in the audio above. Continue soaking in this Wildly Alive wisdom and listen to the entire audio above.


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