Pleasure. This is a triggering topic but hear me out. We live in a world where women feel like they cannot experience it (because it’s too vulnerable), but in reality, we’re all starving for it. We were DESIGNED to feel pleasure, ladies. So let’s talk about this…

This is just one of four topics we’re covering (within the Lifestyle Pillar) for the month of June, and today specifically we’re discussing Pleasure & Creativity.

Why? Because both of those things live within your body, and my job is to help you be as connected to her as possible… Because when a woman is deeply connected to her body, while enjoying the hell out of every moment, she begins to create the life and body she’s always wanted.

Press the orange play button below and let’s dive into two areas of your lifestyle that, with a little attention, could drastically change your quality of life and body image.

Click The Orange Play Button & Let The Coaching Begin…


Turned on. What do you feel when you hear that? 

I know if you would’ve asked me 10, (no not even that long ago, 5) years ago, I would’ve felt a little snag in my stomach. That’s my body’s way of saying, “No. Not good. Scary. Vulnerable. CHANGE SUBJECTS!”

I’ve been stuck in my masculine energy for much of my life and within that world, there’s no room for pleasure or joy let alone feeling turned on! I’ve done aaaa lot of work in this area because it’s been so foreign to me yet I knew it was the key to my life force.

Pleasure and feeling turned on are so misunderstood and feared within our culture. It makes sense. Women are hypersexualized and deep within that messaging, it doesn’t feel safe for us to feel pleasure.

I know how lost you can feel on this subject. In this podcast, I show you the first steps I took to start exploring pleasure so I could feel more comfortable with it.

We also explore creativity which at first glance you may think isn’t all that important or has anything to do with your relationship with your body. But oh no, no, no. IT DOES. And a lack of it can create a life that feels nothing like YOURS.

This podcast is about not being afraid to ignite your inner light, because you’re worried about getting hurt, feeling misunderstood, or taken advantage of by others.

When a woman is turned on she’s feeling creative (a pleasure state) without anyone or anything else – it is about her choosing to deliberately connect with her body and the moment, with enthusiasm and joy.

You can actually see her.

Her inner light is lit.

She isn’t numb or shut down, she is Wildly Alive. 

If you want that; click play above and let’s dive in.

I hope you liked this post on body image and pleasure. If it resonated with you please share with the buttons below ♥