This month our focus is on how to create a healthy metabolism (within the Eating Pillar), but as with all things within Wildly Alive we’re dropping in a little deeper.

As you are listening to this week’s new podcasts I want you to recognize what thoughts come up. Also, notice if your body speaks to you. If you get a twinge of anxiety in your belly when you hear something that’s your body’s way of saying, “There’s something here to explore.”

Your relationship with food is complex and kicks up a lot of emotions, so as we dive into some very mechanical and practical healthy eating tips it’s your job to find the limiting beliefs so you can follow through..

Click the orange play button below and let’s kick off Part One of this two-part series about how to create a healthier metabolism.

Click The Orange Play Button & Let The Coaching Begin…


I want you to eat more often (because that’s how you boost your metabolism).

What comes up when I say that? What’s going on in your body? Any fears surface?

If you would’ve told me that in the past I would’ve freaked out. Dieting had taught me that food was something you had in as little of quantities as humanly possible. The less you eat, the better…right?

So the idea of eating MORE would’ve kicked up some major anxiety.

At that point, food meant:
Belly rolls
The enemy
A number
A pain in the ass

These fears were in the back of my head incessantly, stressing and tiring me out. My mind and body’s survival were at constant war and I was exhausted.

But don’t fret! If I can now feel like a normal person around food, you can too. Today, food has a whole new meaning to me. 

Food now means…
My friend

Just stick with me and I can show you how I got to this place.

As you are listening to this podcast I want you to really think about what food really means to you, and what comes up as we discuss how to create a healthy metabolism.

If you stay present you’ll find some limiting beliefs around food that you must clear if you’d like to feel more relaxed and free while in the presence of it.

…And when you get into that healthy place with food, taking action on the practical tips I share will become natural.

Check out the 100+ healthy snacks I mention in this podcast.

I hope you liked this post on how to increase your metabolism. If it resonated with you please share with the buttons below ♥