I’m gonna be a millionaire.

What comes up for you when I say that?

Any of these reactions:

“Oookay, how are you going to do that exactly?”
“Right Nichole. {eyeroll} Me too.”
“Materialistic much?”
“So you’re saying you want more problems?”

It’s so interesting to witness people’s reactions when you say this. You should try it sometime. You can see their money mindset blocks come up immediately.

If your reaction wasn’t close to, “Hell yes! {fist pump} You go, girl!” Then, sister, you too have some money blocks… AND if you don’t fix ’em you’re going to be pushing away a whole lotta cash.

Okay, so, maybe you were fist-pumping me, “Hell yes! Get it sister!”

If that’s you, what happens when I say this: Why don’t YOU become a millionaire WITH ME?

“Whhhhat…. You crazy girl.”
“Yeah, right. Money doesn’t grow on trees, Nichole!”
“Ahhh, no. Money causes too much stress.”
“Money isn’t that important to me.”
“I don’t want to come off as snobby.”

Anything along those lines pop up?

Bingo. Money block central chica. 

This month’s theme is centered around money and your health.

Part 1 was about diving deeper into your money blocks, and today I’ll explain why making money easily and manifesting it isn’t about working harder or selling your fav couch — it all starts with your mindset!

Click the orange play button below to start strengthening your money muscle so you can welcome in the money that’s already available to you.

Click The Orange Play Button & Let The Coaching Begin…


Look, the more you believe (deep down) that having a lot of money only creates more problems and stress then you’ll be finantically struggling forever.

On one hand, you say, “I want more money! I want more vacations! I want more savings!” But then on the other hand when you walk by a woman getting into her Tesla and think, “Oh she must have a rich husband. Gah. She’s so materialistic and vein.”

Can you see how the Universe is getting mixed signals here?

Since your negative feelings towards money (lack, not enough, snobby, self-centered, etc.) are stronger than your positive feelings towards money you literally push it away from you.

If you want to start manifesting some serious cash to you MUST start looking and how you FEEL about money first and foremost.

What about becoming rich to not only better your life, but others as well?

Can you wrap your mind around that one?

I sure can.

Ellen and Oprah are two of my biggest inspirations. They do so much GOOD with their millions. They’re making this planet a much better place to live in because of money.

And they are marginalized women while doing all of this!!! Talk about inspiring.

If they didn’t have as much cash as they do they wouldn’t make as big of an impact.

The more we focus our attention on THOSE awesome rich people, the more we realize how good money really can be… and attract more into our lives.

It’s an easy equation.

Positive emotions towards money equal attracting lucrative opportunities and money into our lives.
Negative emotions push it away leaving us feeling broke.

Are there egotistical rich people? Yes.
But there are egotistical poor people too.

Understand this — money will only enhance more of who you are.

If you’re a shitty person when you’re broke, you’ll be even shittier rich.

If you’re a badass love warrior, who’s positive energy lights up a room before your riches… Mo’chadda means you’ll be spreading EVEN MORE LOVE AND POSITIVE ENERGY in the world.

And god KNOWS we need more of that right now.

Are you ready to bring your awesomeness to the next level while also rising up your family, friends, and community?

Sweet — click the orange play button above and I’ll show you three tangible ways to start building your money muscle so you can start manifesting more cash’ola BABY!

Let’s be ballin’ baby!!!


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