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I’ve been comparing myself to the “old me” a lot recently. Comparing to the woman I was before I became a mom.

“Why can’t you just keep up like you have in the past?!” Thinking about my sharpness.

Then, I start comparing everything.

Remember …
How much stronger you were, mentally?
How quickly you could bounce back?
How tight your stomach was, and how the skin on your legs was smooth and firm?
How you used to be able to accomplish so much in a day, and now that only happens every once in a while?
How you never got sick and was as resilient as an ox?

You were so sturdy and strong back then. What happened?

UGH, thinking this way alllllways leaves me with a NASTY comparison hangover.

I think there are periods in our lives when we need to grieve and mourn the person we once were.

Change and evolution is an amazing aspect of life, but something so many of us fears. Myself included.

I’ve done a lot of letting go and releasing this year, and I know the power of it once you fully embrace it. It opens the gates for even more magic… Creating a life, bigger and better than you could ever imagine.

…And if we continue to compare to the past, we stay stuck. Crusty, pissed off, and resentful.

It’s true. That’s exactly where I have been recently, and now it’s time for me let go even more.

I know the tricks of the mind (aka Helga), and how she likes to paint this perfect picture of whatever I’m comparing myself to. How THAT was SOOO much better than now…and how it’s bullshit.

There were absolutely times, pre-mom, where I felt uneasy, weak, foggy, sick and unaccomplished.

So, while I’m sitting here processing this with you, I remind myself I wasn’t perfect, nowhere near it actually… and bring reality back into the equation.

But more than anything, I know that by letting that part of me go and giving her a big loving hug goodbye, I fully welcome THIS version ME into the light.

… To be honest, I’m really loving this new me (most of the time), and if by releasing those exceptions it means I’m going to feel more peace, satisfaction, and a slower pace of life, then I welcome the challenge.

If you are feeling similar – join me. I’m already feeling some weight being taken off my shoulders just by writing this…I think next I’ll write a goodbye letter to the “old me” thanking her for all she has done and wishing her well. Just so we can have a proper goodbye.

You should join me if you’ve been comparing too.

Coach Nichole

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