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Wyatt Travis Wurth made his grand entrance at 12:08 am on April 3rd and is 6 pounds 9oz. Zac myself and the babe are doing good, just recovering. If you haven’t heard, labor is no joke 😉 For momma AND papa.

Zac was by my side the entire time being an amazing support coach (have I mentioned that I have the best hubby ever?) and though this wasn’t the birth we had envisioned for the last 9 months we are just thrilled to have him here and us both be okay.

There’s lots of healing going on right now (emotionally and physically) and we are doing our best to open ourselves up the all the beautiful lessons Wyatt has brought into our lives. It hasn’t been easy, but its sure been worth it.

I look forward to sharing more with you in the future.
Thanks for all your love and support – it means so much!




A good’ol fart smile 🙂


First bath with the whole family 🙂 The pups are adjusting well


First family picture. (Having oxygen right after birth is very common where we live and our elevation level)


Though this has been one of the toughest, most intense experiences of my life looking at his face makes it all worth it.


How could I not post this picture — look at that face!!!