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Wyatt’s birth sure was a whirlwind. In the weeks and months leading up to the big day, I prepared in every way possible — mentally, spiritually, and physically. unnamed (2)

But, knowing what I know now, nothing could’ve prepared me for what was about to happen… And now, as I reflect on my birthing experience, I realize that there was nothing out there that could have *fully* prepared me for that event, except just going through it.<

My plans for a home birth ended up taking an unexpected turn which landed me in the hospital. Wyatt got stuck under my pubic bone in an awkward angle and wasn’t budging. After 20 hours of active labor my plans for a home birth resulted in a cesarean.

Coming out of that birthing experience was really hard for me both physically and emotionally. I was an emotional disaster to put it lightly. Though I’ve done a ton of healing (hiring coaches, energy work, crying ‘till my eyes ran dry, journaling, etc.) I’m still not quite ready to share it all.

But I wanted to share with you another aspect of the birth I couldn’t have lived without.

Sisterhood and support.

For my birth I had a robust team of support: Zac’s mom, my step mom, my two soul sisters, Amy and Crystal, and two midwives. I understand the power of support and wasn’t afraid to invite all of them, even if it meant we’d all be squished in my bedroom.

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I have more than 300 pictures of Wyatt’s birth and every single picture has someone either right next to me or touching me, showing support and love.

And it’s because of that love, that I felt so safe and calm during the entire birth.

These women, and Zac (my hubby) knew the type of energy (loving, trusting and calm) I wanted to keep during the birthing process. They all stayed in that place, even when things got a bit hairy towards the end.

I know this to be true, because I never once felt scared or nervous.

Energy is HIGHLY contagious and if one of them would’ve been freaking out inside, I would’ve felt it. Everyone would’ve felt it. And that wouldn’t have been good.

But, they all knew how much a home birth meant to me (regardless of whether they agreed with it or not) and committed themselves to supporting me and my decisions.

I couldn’t be more grateful for that.

So, what does this have anything to do with Wildly Alive living or even weight loss? A lot.

Sisterhood and support is a foundational piece of the Wildly Alive Weight Loss Program. This support ensures that every woman who joins the program follows through, and finds the results they are seeking.

But there are so many women out there that feel like, “I can do this on my own. I don’t need any help. I can figure this out!” and it results in attempt after attempt… failure after failure.

And if they have successfully completed some cleanse or diet, they either gain the weight back or are chronically stressed and obsessed because they’re fearful of gaining it back.

I mean you wouldn’t try to give birth all on your own, right? No, you need a professional to lead the way and the support of a team. There’s no ifs, ands or buts about it. Thinking otherwise would be crazy

I understand weight loss is nowhere near giving birth (no experience is) BUT in the Wildly Alive Weight Loss Program we are changing your lifestyle so you never have to struggle with your weight again and THAT is a huge process.

A huge process, that requires professional guidance and a support team to encourage and cheer you on.

It would be my honor to be your coach (your professional leading the way) and the Wildly Alive Sisterhood to be your support team.

This is about setting your “Miss Independent Flag” down and opening yourself up to the missing ingredient to your weight loss success.

If this sounds like you, don’t worry I get it. unnamed

Miss Independent was my middle name. If someone offered help I perceived it as them telling me I wasn’t capable. Then, it really motivated me to do it on my own so I could “prove them wrong”.

Looking back, I now realize just how a silly I was being thinking that way..

A very valuable lesson I’ve learned in the last few years, is that sisterhood is one of the most fulfilling aspects of life if you really open yourself up to it… and Waytt’s birth only validated that.

Look, I know you’ve been burned by women in the past — you gotta forgive and open yourself up to trusting again.

If you really want to find long term success AND heal yourself from this “Superwoman-I-will-do-it-all” mindset (because, that train of thought only leads to feeling lonely, misunderstood, burned out and supreme bitchiness)

— then signing up will absolutely help you do that.

Here’s what I know for sure — Wildly Alive Weight Loss and myself attract some pretty incredible women. Wildly Alive women are open-minded, positive, and motivated (we never judge or point fingers of blame).

You deserve to be seen and supported! Open yourself up to the sisterhood, support team, and a damn good coach in The Wildly Alive Weight Loss Program (Yes, I’m tooting my own horn right now. I love being a coach, helping my clients and I know I’m good at it).

You know, I respect your decision either way, so if you have decided this program isn’t for you PROMISE me you’ll never do another quick fix, okay?

And I still highly encourage you to find a professional AND a support team to help you find the success you deserve. There are plenty of options out there.

Please stop at nothing until you find it.

With love,


P.S. If you were in the WAWL Experience sisterhood, I know you felt the power of this… And if you thought that sisterhood was motivating, just wait until you get into the WAWL Program sisterhood. Whoa.

P.P.S. You can still save $150 and get the motivational text messages bonus if you join us soon. Enroll here: