Do you want To look in the mirror and feel proud?

It’s the same fight every Freaking day…

Wake up: Your body is already exhausted. There’s NO WAY you’re going to exercise.

Get in the shower: You feel disgusted with her and avoid the mirror at all costs.

Get dressed: You’re annoyed that she can’t fit into any of your cute clothes.

Get to the office: You’re embarrassed of her while comparing her to your healthier, thinner coworkers.

Get home: Your body is so stressed so you b-line it to the kitchen to relax and the entire time you’re playing with your kids on the floor you can’t stop feeling the discomfort your body is causing you.

Go to bed: You’re bloated and gassy because you overate and now your body is keeping you from falling asleep.

Wake up: You wake up feeling ashamed of your body, the fact that you never exercise and feel like you’re in body prison.

What if I told you feeling good in your body is easier than you think?

Imagine having a body you felt proud of…
a body that felt healthy and strong

without burning yourself out.

Imagine being able to have deep, fulfilling relationships
with your partner now that your body isn’t in the way.

Imagine being in awe of the magic that surrounds you,
things just line up in such perfect ways.

It’s possible
…..And easier than you think.

Your life can be pleasurable.

It’s DESIGNED to be that way.
What most people call “a dream”
is how it’s supposed to be!

It’s what happens naturally when you get this body “stuff” out of the way and step into your full power.

My biggest takeaway is that the power lies within me to change, and that change begins with me fully loving and accepting all of me – and that includes my body. She is not my enemy, but my ally. 


I’ve enjoyed getting in touch with me, learning how to be me without my self-sabotaging voice stepping in. I’ve gotten in touch with some unresolved baggage, and I feel armed and ready to get past some of these tough moments. 



Yes I want to learn how badass my body really is!


MY BODY ROCKS is a coaching program where you’ll learn how to create a healthy relationship with your body. When you find respect for your body and all she does for you, you naturally begin to:

Eat in a way that respectful:
There’s no need to strategize what you eat because you trust your body to lead you to the foods that help you thrive.

Move in a way that respectful:
Exercise isn’t about merely manipulating how your body looks, it’s about moving to feel good. That’s it.

Think in a way that respectful:
When you look in the mirror your knee-jerk reaction will sound more like “Damn, I rock!” than”That’s gross.”


Yes I want to learn how badass my body really is!

MY BODY ROCKS is for you if you’re hungry to live a full life but know your relationship with your body is holding you back.



These women loved MY BODY ROCKS

Imagine if this was you…  

  • You’re trusting. When your body guides you to a specific food or type of exercise you allow it without questioning it.

  • You’re liberating yourself from the belief that your body needs to looks a certain way to be happy. You’re happy no matter what she looks like.

  • You move from hustle, grind, and exhaustion to grace, integrity and inspiration

  • You choose yourself and honor your body  without thought. Even when life gets flipped upside down. 

  • Your boundaries are strong… but not rigid. You know walls only keep people out, instead you have loving boundaries for your needs.

  • You’re no longer afraid to celebrate all who you are. You may have been told you’re “a bit much” but now you see how that’s such a beautiful gift.

  • You’re moving from anxiousness into curiosity, naturally. When you feel yourself going back into old patterns of gripping, you soften not grip harder.
  • You have a little structure but more freedom that allows you to be healthy without burning out. You’ve tapped into your own balance of the masculine/feminine and structure/flow.
  • You don’t doubt your intuition. When you know, you know! You rest when you need to rest and work when it’s time to work.
  • You are light, easy, and playful… Because you’re not getting dragged down by the fight with your body.
  • You not only ask for what you need, but you also claim what you want, unapologetically.


Yes I want to learn how badass my body really is!

The extra weight was a symptom of what’s going on in my mind and the beliefs, not what I ate.

During my time working with Nichole, I learned to love my body – even with all the curves, stretch marks, etc – they are a testimony to what she’s done for me & given to me – 3 beautiful kids. I am intuitive and connected to my body and feelings. My clothes fit better but more than that, I’m happy.


Within my culture (the latino culture) having a connection with your body is highly celebrated. It was something I was taught as a young woman, but as I’ve gone after my dream job and becoming a mother, I lost all of that. I tried many things, personal trainers, diets, other workout programs, etc and no matter what I tried I never found joy.

But now, I have found both of those things. I no longer binge, I enjoy cooking again, I dance and I’ve really connected with my body on a whole new level!


What This Class Includes:


    • VIDEO TRAINING (+ recordings) — 10 MY BODY ROCKS modules where you’ll learn how to set yourself free from self-sabotaging behavior, get on the same team as your body so you can life the life you know you deserve. Total Value: $222


        • ZOOM COACHING CALL RECORDINGS — 2x 2-hour group coaching calls where you will here where women just like you got stuck and how to unhook themselves from shooting themselves in the foot.  Total value: $111 

      • AWAKENING ACTIVITIES — Workouts, audio clips, journal prompts, visualizations, belief work, resources to take all the work deeper. Total Value: $111


      • MEMBERSHIP WEBSITE – Lifetime access to our membership website so you revisit it at any time. Listen on the app, adjust the video speed, easy to navigate and access.  Total value $111

    VALUE BREAKDOWN — Total time together: 10 hours of training, 4 hours of coaching replays, membership website access, 14 awakening activities. Total value: $555




    Yes I want to learn how badass my body really is!

    Last check-in,  is MY BODY ROCKS for you?


    You want your knee-jerk reaction when you look in the mirror to be, “DAMN I rock!”

    You want to look yourself in the mirror and feel proud (ditching any shame, guilt, or disappointment).

    You want to feel RESPECT for your body and all she does, (so your actions can reflect that).

    You’re ready to unhook from the idea that your body needs to look a certain way so you can step into a life even better than you could imagine.


    Yes I want to learn how badass my body really is!