Say Goodbye to Loneliness & Hello to Belonging.

Ground. Nourish. Exhale.

You don’t know when this happened, but you’re not waking up feeling happy anymore. Though you love checking things off your daily to-do, something is missing (or you wouldn’t be diving into the bag of chips + TV every night).  Everyday feels the same. . . And if you really admit it, you’re lonely and you feel guilty about that because life on paper is pretty damn good. . .

It’s time to shake things up, have fun with women just like you and discover a more purposeful life.

A place for women to take a break from their endless to-do lists and recharge by connecting with nature, their bodies and with other women (free of judgment).

There will be sisterhood, warm fires, the sound of silence out your window, movement under the sun and endless deep exhales.

Together, we’ll hold ceremonies under the stars, open ourselves up to something better, let go of what’s not serving us, and laugh until our faces hurt.

You’ll stay in a beautiful home in Black Hawk, Colorado. A charming mountain town with tons of character completely disconnected from your every day stressors  

You’ll also experience:
Delicious food.
Stretching in the sunshine.
Nature walks.
Inspiring activities.
Lots of free time to think, write, and exhale. You’ll leave feeling strong, recharged, and ready to make the best of what life has to offer. 
All activities and most meals are included.

What you'll experience:

🤍 Connection

🤍 Community

🤍 Sisterhood

🤍 Support

🤍 Problem-solving

🤍 Advice

🤍 A safe space to be vulnerable, cry and feel held

🤍 Inspiration

🤍 Laughter until your eyes water

🤍 Authenticity

🤍 Confidentiality

🤍 Acceptance

🤍 Belonging

🤍 Encouragement to go after what you want

What you won’t experience:


💔Catty behavior












Sisterhood trepidations? Click play!

  Hold Your Spot With a $199 Deposit

Join us in the beautiful mountains of Colorado on August 2nd, 3rd and 4th

There are 12 4 beds available $1,555 – $1,777

“I’ve learned so much at this retreat. When you’re in a group of people who are in the same ball game as you, the same life, and they all want to grow together (and we all come from different religions and different communities and different areas of the world). Just coming together, nobody is judging, everybody is interested and helpful. It was just an amazing experience.

I feel like at this point, Nichole has given me the wings to fly. And the other ladies who have been here have given me the wings to fly on my own. And I’m now motivated to do it on my own.”

– Shoshana

“I was really excited and a little nervous because I have some trust issues with people in general, but everybody is extremely supportive.

This retreat has felt amazing. I have never been around so many supportive, amazing women. Everybody is just wonderful. It’s hard to come up with the right words, but it’s almost magical, is what it feels like to me. These people exist, I don’t know why I haven’t run into people like this in my life and I’m thrilled to be a part of it.”

– Laura

“I don’t normally spend money on myself so I was hesitant about the cost. Now that I’ve been here, the cost is like nothing. I feel like I should have paid a lot more than what I paid. I was a little bit anxious about being around 18 other women that I’ve never met before. Then once I got here and met everyone, I felt really comfortable with everyone.

This retreat has felt super welcoming and I feel like I’ve been embraced and hugged, surrounded by love. The last three days have been amazing and I feel like I’ve made some lifelong connections.”


You are worth investing in your health, your happiness, your joy.

As women, we are taught we aren’t worthy. That we have to sacrifice, give everything to everyone else and never invest in ourselves (with time or money). But despite what you were told or how you feel, YOU MATTER. YOU are important. 
Your relationship with your body, yourself, and other women affects every aspect of your life: how you show up as a friend, how you show up as a sister, how you show up as a mother, how you show up professionally, and how you show up as a wife.
All of those things suffer if you choose to invest all of your time, money and energy into everything but you. 
If you’re giver and love to help and serve, refilling your cup is the most giving thing you can do.

Your partner, your family, your friends will feel a difference in you when you get back from the retreat.

I know you may feel like investing in yourself feels selfish, like it will ONLY help you, but oh no, no, no…
When you fill yourself up it seeps over into every other aspect of your life.
Your marriage will improve.
Your mothering will improve.
Your career will improve.
Your community will improve.
I know this first hand from my own experiences investing in my happiness.

This is a gift you give everyone you come into contact with. They will be lifted by your energy, positivity and magnetism. You’ll become an inspiration, the example you’ve always wanted to embody.

They call them vacation/personal days for a reason.

People who take vacations have lower stress, less risk of heart disease, a better outlook on life, and more motivation to achieve goals. And if that isn’t enough you will also experience improved mental and physical health, a more positive outlook, improved relationships, decreased burnout and improved happiness while *planning* the trip (aka happy NOW).
Let’s be honest, this is really about guilt. The guilt of not looking like a good employee. The truth is is that the more you create the dynamic that you will always over give, the more they will take advantage of you and you WILL burn out
People respect people who respect themselves. If you want to feel respected more at work and have your voice matter you need to create space for YOU. Which involves boundaries and taking the time you need to refuel yourself.

Investing in something that involves other women would’ve been the LAST thing I spent money on.

If you would’ve told me 12 years ago I would be running Sisterhood Retreats I would’ve laughed in your face. I had so many walls around my heart. I’d been burned so badly by other women that I truly believed doing life solo was better. Then in 2011 I made a decision that changed everything. I signed up for a retreat with 20 other women and I realized the unstoppable power of surrounding yourself with positive, supportive women. It’s what’s known as ‘The Shine Factor.’ When you have a supportive place to voice your deepest desires, you ignite that dream… and when your sisters hold that space for you, those dreams come towards you in lightning speed. *You being to shine* I know this to be true because it’s happened to me and thousands of my clients. I believe in this so much I don’t offer any 1:1 programs. Sisterhood is where the magic is at!

The Adventures We’ll Experience Together:

(tentative schedule)

Day 1- Aug 2nd 

Arrival (anytime after noon):

Tour of The Wildly Alive Inn

Get grounded into the space, and orient yourself around the activities of the weekend. Enjoy delicious snacks.

 Early Evening:

Opening Ceremony 

Meet your sisters and Nichole in a deep and meaningful way — set intentions for the weekend and call in who we want to be when we leave this experience.

 Late Evening:

Nourshing Dinner Together

Get to know your sisters, who they are, why they joined  over a nourishing dinner after a long day of travel.

Day 2 – Aug 3rd


Morning Movement & Breakfast Under The Sun

A slow flow focusing on opening the roots of your body (hips and hamstrings) for a grounding. Suitable for all levels.


Nature Therapy Walk

A relaxing and reinvigorating afternoon of making connections and diving into our senses and natural surroundings. 


Sisterhood Fire Circle

Under the magic of the stars, heart to heart, with your sisters as you connect, support and feel completely held as we let go of what’s no longer serving us so we can all rise, together.

Day 3 – Aug 4th


Sisterhood Hike

With each step, you’ll feel stronger, peaceful and more capable… This experience will prove to you that when you surround  yourself with women who you lift you up, anything is possible. 

Early Evening:

How To Take “Retreat You” Home & Dinner

Nichole will lead a talk on how to take every part of you that has came through during the retreat home over a lovely dinner.  

Late Evening:

Runway of Confidence (final ceremoney)

This is going to be a surprise, but all we’ll say is you’ll leave confident as hell! You never thought you’d be able to do something like this.

**retreat includes sleeping at the location this night as well (3 nights total)

There will be plenty of off-time for you to do whatever you are called to. Journal, relax, nap, lay in the grass – do nothing. Or if you’re feeling energized drive 15 minutes into town with your sisters or walk the shops around town. 

  Hold Your Spot With a $199 Deposit

Join us in the beautiful mountains of Colorado on August 2nd, 3rd and 4th

There are 12 4 beds available $1,555 – $1,777

You Got Questions, We Got Answers!

This feels like too much money to spend on myself, thoughts?

I think the bigger question here is — can you afford not to? As women, our relationships with our bodies and other women/friendships affects every aspect of our lives.

From our relationships with our partners, to how we raise our children, to whether or not we’re successful in the workplace – this kind of program is life-changing and powerful.

When you understand this, you know that this kind of self-improvement should come before your daily Starbucks run, your weekly happy hour or weekend mall trip.

We are also really flexible with payment plans. Please let us know on the application if you need to discuss an extended or flexible payment plan (ex. Payday is the 17th and you can’t start payments until then)

And don’t let your mind convince you that you are the only person in the world who needs to do this (in fact, we’ve already did this for a woman already).

How do I know if this is a right fit for me?

This is for you if you…

  • Are secretly lonely or not truly satisfied in your current friendships
  • Need a break to reset and recharge.
    Love the idea of being connected with nature but need a little guidance on how to do that exactly.
  • Have always dreamed of investing in a retreat for yourself.
  • Want to connect with your body again so you can take better care of yourself.
  • Know you need a change, but not sure how to make that change.


I'm socially anxious/nervous. Is this for me?

The fact that you’re even asking this question tells us you are perfect for this sisterhood retreat. Do you have soul sisters in your life? Someone who you feel at home with and safe to share absolutely anything with? This retreat will help call those types of friendships into your life. You’ll feel on a deep level what the safety of positive women can do for you.

Yes, you’ll feel a little uncomfortable but that’s actually a good thing because that means you are growing into a better version of yourself.


Location questions?! Read this.

You’ll be staying in a small mountain town called Black Hawk, Colorado. It’s about 1 hour from Denver.

Your room and most activities will take place in the ‘Retreat House’ which is a 6 bedroom, 4.5 bathroom house.

There are 12 beds ranging from king to twin, a shared kitchen, shared living space, a laundry room, and beautiful outdoor decks overlooking the rocky mountains.

On your off time, there are cute shops down in town (about 15 min drive) and plenty of places to eat if you choose to eat lunch outside the retreat house.

The average temperature in August is 78 degrees during the day and 48 degrees at night. Perfect!

What airport should I fly into?

You can fly into Denver International Airport (1-hour drive) on Friday and rent a car with a fellow sister.  Arrangements will be made once you pay your deposit.

How much off time will there be?

There will be a nice balance of activities and off time. Nichole will be driving the importance of s l o w i n g d o w n throughout the weekend.

Yes, we all will be very excited and know you want to get the most out of the experience, but we want you leaving completely recharged. The best way to do that is with a combo of sisterhood time and solo time. That could mean journaling in your room, napping in the grass, hiking around on your own, or reading your favorite fiction book!

How many women will be there?

12 maximum.

I've done many of your programs. How is this going to be different?

After all the online communication
& confined sisterhood

Your soul is calling you to indulge in real-time connections.

Face to Face.

Soul to Soul.

Human to Human.

Heart to Heart.

You’ll leave with a full heart, a rejuvenated body, and a plan to go to your next level.

Why is this different than a yoga retreat?

Don’t get me wrong, yoga, good food and the outdoors is incredible but this retreat is so much more than that.

This is about all of those things plus more. You’ll leave with a feeling of belonging and understanding like you’ve never felt. There’s a part of you that feels misunderstood, and this retreat will help you see that “your people” are out there!

The sisterhood circles will change you, forever. On all of the feedback forms from the last retreat this was the game-changer for them. They all raved about it.

All the women were crying as we said goodbye, the love between us all was palpable, and most of them still talk today (almost daily)! They even have their own little retreat they put together later this year!

Why should I trust Nichole? Why is she going to be a good host?

Nichole’s authentic way of leading feels so genuine. You can feel her desire to help women the moment you meet her. She leads with love. Her “shoot from the hip” style feels refreshing. She couldn’t be fake if she tried. You’ll truly feel safe in her community.

Plus, she attracts some badass women into her circle!


What's included?

All the activities, meals, and all snacks are included. The feedback we got the last retreat was to not supply ALL meals (which we did). Many of them expressed a desire to get their own food/whatever they were craving, so you can get lunch on your own or eat what’s at the retreat house.

The meals we supply will be healthy and delicious with a meat option (lunch/dinner). We will also have healthy snacks/tea/coffee available at all times during the retreat.

You will need to get yourself there -flight and car rental. We highly suggest sharing a car rental with another sister!

All you will need is some extra cash for a few meals and any shopping you want to do, and that’s it!

  Hold Your Spot With a $199 Deposit

Join us in the beautiful mountains of Colorado on August 2nd, 3rd and 4th

There are 12 4 beds available $1,555 – $1,777

What called you to join the retreat?