
“My mindset was pretty bad before I started working with Nichole. I was pretty miserable in my daily life, and I tried to make others around me pretty miserable as well. I didn’t want to go anywhere because none of my clothes fit. My weight and my attitude kept me as a prisoner in my home. For whatever reason, I thought I had to be perfect all the time.

When I signed up for the Wildly Alive Mastery, I was pretty sure I would fail. I didn’t believe good things could ever happen to me – that I could actually succeed at something like this.

After a short time in the program, I started to notice that my thinking was changing. I let go of jealousy of others. I made time for myself. My sleep was getting better, and I felt stronger and happier. People around me started to notice my attitude shift, and I realized I had a whole new way of thinking about my life.

Nichole’s program is different because it works from the inside out. It fixed my attitudes and assumptions about myself and my life. I no longer look at food as something that I should feel guilty about. I no longer feel jealous of others seemingly having a better life than me. This program does it all.

If you have any questions for Samantha about Nichole or about Wildly Alive, you may email her.


Learn more about Wildly Alive Mastery