Happy love month sister ♥

Though your romantic relationships are important I want to talk about another aspect of love that’s rarely talked about during this time of year.

For the month of February, we’re focusing on your relationship with your body/self, and relationships with other females.

These two areas are often overlooked — I see it all the time when coaching my clients. As you know, I help them identify the voids in their life that they’re filling with food, booze or Netflix, and when we look at these two areas there’s often a hole leaving them feeling empty.

Growing up we aren’t taught how to listen to our body (intuitions). We’re actually taught the opposite. That logic (or “reason”) is everything. So, we struggle with trusting ourselves… leading to loads of self-sabotage.

Then, there are relationships with other females. Wow. This is a heavy one. There’s SO MUCH unresolved pain in this area that most women choose not to even look at it. Which results in a shit ton of loneliness (and again creates negative-numbing-out habits).

Can you see why talking about this is so imporatant (maybe even more important than romantic love)?

Without further ado let’s dive into your relationship with YOURSELF right now…

Click Play & Watch how Nichole’s Coaching Changes You…

haven’t kept it a secret — I had a terribly abusive relationship with my body.

She was merely an object that I was constantly trying to manipulate.

I made her eat foods that weren’t good for her.
I forced her to exercise when she really needed a nap.
And I looked at her in the mirror every day and told her, “You’re not good enough!!!”

I was such a bully.

If feels so freeing to be out of that dark place. I now value myself and my body so much that she takes top priority. If I’m ever being snippy with Zac (my hubs) or yelling at my son Wyatt I stop and check in with her.

“What’s going on — what do you need?” Most often she’s just calling for some love. It’s usually a basic need that’s not being met. I need sleep, water or some nourishing food.

Or sometimes she’s being triggered and there’s a deeper fear to process through. Either way, I know when I’m not being the best version of myself it’s usually because me (and my body) has been neglected and is calling for attention.

Another aspect of this relationship that’s been incredibly fulfilling is how wise I’ve realized she is!

I’m talking about our intuition.

Your intuition is always right (in my opinion).

We all know how powerful it is. I KNOW there are instances in your life where you’ve listened to your gut and it’s proven how valid it is.

When I first became a mom and was confused and overwhelmed by all the parenting advice out there I heard it all the time, “Trust your mommy gut!”.

I loved that advice, how empowering… But it made me wonder, why do we trust our gut with our little people but we don’t trust it for OURSELVES?!?

I mean. It’s crazy, right? We trust it with THE most important thing in our lives but not with us?

It goes to prove why it’s so important for us to be talking about this today. You’ve got to start building your trust back with yourself.

Yes, there have been years of mistakes and wrong decisions when we decided to go against our intuitions. It’s time to forgive, let go and reunite with your long-lost best friend. Your body.

Listen to the audio above to learn exactly where to start.

I hope you liked this post on why being in a relationship with yourself is the most important one you got. If it resonated with you please share with the buttons below ♥