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When all of the #metoo stuff was overtaking my social media feeds, I was full of emotion.
I wanted to speak out about it. I wanted to express how freaking proud I was of every single woman who stepped out and said, “Me too, I’ve been sexually assaulted or harassed by a man.”

The courage these women had consumed me. I was blown away by their strength, and by their stories.

It left me speechless.

Until now.

Most of my life I hated being a girl.

I wished SO BADLY that I was a boy. I felt like they had it so much easier. I got along better with the boys, and I was always accidentally pissing off my girl friends.

I was MUCH more comfortable with my masculine side than my feminine. This is probably how I dodged this huge #metoo bullet.

This feeling lasted until I was 23. That’s when I began to explore the idea of being a mom. But first I needed to become more of a woman. I eased in slowly, dipping my toes into the “feminine waters.”

I started wearing kinda-girly clothes, instead of wearing workout gear 24/7. I got a cute haircut and started styling my hair. I tried wearing the jewelry Zac had bought me, more than just on special occasions.

Now, almost ten years later, I couldn’t be more proud of being a woman.

It saddens me to think I denied such an incredible part of myself for so many years.

And I feel even luckier to be a woman now.

We women aren’t just asking for equality. We’re demanding it.

We’re stepping up into our worth and saying we deserve better — and we absolutely do.

What I’ve noticed since this movement began is a call for healing so we can truly rise up as females.

Let me explain.

A few days after Oprah’s Golden Globes speech (around this #metoo/gender equality movement) a friend of mine told me how she’s been having these crazy dreams about an ex-boyfriend who was emotionally abusive.

Then, a client shared how she keeps getting flashes from the past, recalling times when she was taken advantage by men. In the workplace and in the bedroom.

Then, another client with a similar story.

This isn’t a coincidence.

What about you? Are old memories when a man used his “power” (physically or energetically) to control you resurfacing?


As I’ve mentioned many times before, your body is always guiding you to the path of your greatest joy.

You know, that life you daydream about!
Where you have IT ALL!

The health.
The incredible relationship.
The well paying job.
The confidence.
The sisterhood and great friends.
and of course alll the great sex.

Well, when old memories and emotions get triggered, it’s your body saying, “It’s time to heal this old wound that’s been dragging us down, so we can move forward, level up and create that life!”

I’m sure you could easily tell me, “Yeah… That really doesn’t affect me anymore. I’ve let it go.”

I don’t buy it.

Because if it was really healed, it wouldn’t be resurfacing.

There’s still more to do.

Could that feel scary/annoying/time consuming? Yeah.

But does that mean you shouldn’t do it? Hell no.

Answer me this, what’s scarier?

1 – Continuing to ignore those wounds by stuffing them down with too much wine, chips, and Netflix. Staying stuck in a mediocre life that always leaves you thinking, “Meh… Life is okay…I mean it could be worse.” 

Sitting back watching other women achieve what you want [scroll, scroll, scroll].


2 – FULLY healing so you can step into a life that’s so f*ing good you can’t even believe it’s yours?!?

*Waking up every morning feeling full of energy and thinking, “HOLY S*IT! I LOVE MY LIFE!!!”

*Experiencing unshakeable confidence that not even the fittest/smartest/prettiest co-worker can shake!

*Exercising and eating in a way that oozes self love.

Yes, this is the type of magic you create in your life when you connect with and listen to your body.


(Side note) Facing those old wounds isn’t as big and scary as your mind is making it out to be. Helga (your self-sabotaging voice) is sooo melodramatic.

If you’re ready to learn more about how to listen to your body, so you can create the life and body you’ve deserved for faaaar too longcheck out my group coaching program, ‘Wildly Alive Immersion’.

I’ll show you step-by-step, how to listen to your body in all areas of your life.

– How to move in a way that feels good to her (your body), so you stick with it forever.

– How to eat in a way that’s best for her, so you never have to restrict yourself again.

– And how to take action when she sends you signals (like we’ve been talking about) so you can create the life others will envy.

Apply here.

You deserve this now, more than ever.

Go big or go home,

P.S. If were moved by this — share this with your bestie. Friends don’t let friends settle.