We women are taught that we need to take care of everyone else and that our needs don’t matter, so when we hear things like:

“Be YOU!”
“Live your authentic life!” 

It creates a ton of shame.
It’s a realization that often slaps upside the face.
It reminds us how our life doesn’t feel like ours. But even worse, it becomes clear we’ve been neglecting something so important.

Don’t get me wrong, these are great messages, but for A LONG time, I too had no idea what it actually meant. It caused me even more confusion because I realized, “Wow, I don’t even know who I am?!”

I don’t know:
how I like to dress
what I like to do in my spare time (that truly nourishes me)
what brings me pleasure
Or how I would decorate my house in a way that feels like MINE. 

When my clients come to me knee-deep in self-sabotage, we often find that the reason why they’re turning to Netflix/wine/chips/busy-ness is because they are living a life that is someone else’s.

In this new podcast, I guide you in a practical and fun way into exploring who YOU are. Then, how to create a life around those things. This is exactly how I got started. 

Have a pen and paper handy as you click the orange play button below — let’s get started.

Click The Orange Play Button & Let The Coaching Begin…


IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE: This isn’t about creating a picture-perfect life. We’re getting real sister.

There’s a lot of airy-fairy BS on this topic out there. We’re talking about discovering your strengths AND your weaknesses. And why you rock including all those things.

I’ll be the first to admit I have maaaany weaknesses:
I suck at spelling and grammar (maybe you’ve caught onto that… haha)
I can’t find my way out of a paper bag
My memory is less than stellar
I have a low reading level
And I’m TERRIBLE under pressure

But I don’t give a shit because I have A LOT of other strengths that I now focus all my energy on.

In this podcast I share a few “embarrassing” stories where if it happened 5 years ago I would’ve been devastated and felt like a complete idiot. But because of the work I’ve done in this area I lovingly laugh it off and see these as cute quirks of who I am.

Helga (my self-sabotaging voice) used all these “weaknesses” against me. She was trying to prove how stupid I was, but that’s all disappeared (for the most part).

I have fully embraced ALL of my weaknesses and it’s never felt so freaking good.

If you are ready to join me, click the play button above and get ready to let go of some major insecurities. It’s time to feel like YOU again. #freedom

I hope you liked this post on Who am I. If it resonated with you please share with the buttons below ♥