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The holidays are a time to celebrate family, friends, tradition, and spirit. Yet, we often limp through the entire season.

Between rushing around to shop, bake, plan, and attend parties, we finish the year tired, annoyed, sluggish, and bloated.

Yeah, it sucks. But considering the personal and professional obligations, we tend to commit to during this time of year, avoiding that end-of-year “meh” feeling can seem impossible.

Not this year.

Since I know that feeling quite well myself, I’ve come up with sneaky little ways to minimize your holiday stress and enjoy yourself. 

As you know I’m a big fan of thinking ahead and coming up with some sort of a plan to help navigate choppy waters. But sometimes even that is too much. So, today we’re simplifying with three super-simple tips! 

1. Keep it simple  – You don’t have to deck out the house with lots decorations, create fancy holiday cards with professional photos, give gifts to each family member, or have a 5-course, made-from-scratch, meal prepared.

Keep the things you enjoy (like, really enjoy) and forget about the rest. Here’s your permission slip.

Will some people be disappointed, shocked, or sad because you’re scaling back? Maybe. Maybe not. But what I do know, is they will get over it. 🙂 Stop making the holidays about everybody else’s opinions and expectations. ENJOY YOURSELF by #KeepingItSimple.

2. Stop comparing – it’s killing your spirit more than you realize.

As a fairly new mom, I’ve had to really practice this one. I’m not someone who enjoys many “mom-type-things.” I’ve had to find MY own versions of those things, and feel good about it.

I’ve learned to tell myself, “I’m doing enough and it’s good enough.” and its saved me.  It’s easier said than done, I know. But it’ll keep you from being immersed in shit-tons of guilt and stress so it’s worth the effort.

Some women love to decorate, cook elaborate meals, buy personal gifts for everyone, and give beautifully wrapped presents. You know what I say? That’s awesome! DO YOU, sister! If you really enjoy it, I think you should be doing those things.

Myself, on the other hand – it’s not my jam. So I’m gonna do me. Which means I’ll be initiating fun games to play, meaningful conversations or relaxing walks in nature.

If you’re not sure just into your body, what makes you feel excited? There’s where your focus should be 🙂 Just no more comparing!

3. Set an intention – If you could pick one word, emotion, or mantra to filter all actions and thoughts through, during this holiday season – what would it be?

It’s been years, since I’ve made a New Years Resolution, for many reasons. Instead, I like to set an intention for the year. This one shift has worked phenomenally! It’s so simple and easy. Why not do the same thing for this holiday season?

Here are some ideas for the holidays to get the juices flowing:

Inspired. Freedom. Relaxed. Present. Calm. Centered. Connected. Love. Joy. Ease. Surrender. Abundant. Simple. Perfectly Imperfect (oh I like this one).

Now, it’s your turn. I’d love to hear your intention for this holiday season.

Comment below.

Cheers, my love,
Your Coach, Nichole


