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I have to be blunt here —

I get so pissed off when smart, intelligent women fall victim to all those weight loss products, pills, extreme exercise programs, and infomercials taking over the media.

Why? Because I fell for almost every one, and they never worked; they just proved (once again) that I would be trapped in a body I hated forever.

After what felt like my 100th diet, I was at my rock bottom:

  • I had spent $25,000 trying to lose weight and achieve that perfect body we see on TV (including a breast augmentation).
  • My late night food binges could no longer fill that painful void.
  • I couldn’t eat only vegetables and go on some hardcore exercise kick again.

I. Was. Done.

I just gave up. I surrendered.

And you know what happened? That “magic pill” I had been searching for showed up, and I bet you’ll never guess what it was…


You see, all those years I spent PUSHING, CONTROLLING and FORCING myself to just lose the freaking weight, I wasn’t LIVING my life. Between all the thoughts of self-hatred and constantly having to think and calculate, I never had time to actually live.

Finally saying “f-it” to losing weight gave me the energy to live again.

I started doing things like:

  • Camping
  • Hiking
  • Mountain Biking
  • Skiing
  • Motorcycle Riding
  • Snowshoeing
  • Traveling
  • Going out with friends (I thought you couldn’t be social and lose weight at the same time)
  • Laughing (I was too pissed that I wasn’t losing weight to have a sense of humor)
  • Relaxing (seriously, I never really did this)

I was ALIVE. I had never felt so free in all my life.

What I realized is I was having so much fun living my life (instead of being lost in my head), I no longer saw food as the enemy.

4 out-of-the-box tips on how to start losing weight

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I lost any extra weight I was carrying around, and I found a place of deep compassion and love for my body (cellulite and all).

And I want this for you — so here is how:

1. Stop playing the “waiting game” — Right now, write the numbers 1-20 on a piece of paper, and at the top write, “When I lose weight I’ll _____” and fill in the 20 blanks. Not 10, not 17… 20! When you get stuck, keep going; keep repeating the phrase until something surfaces. Truth is, numbers 17-20 are going to be the deepest ones you write.

2. Live as if — Every day for the next 30 days, you need to do one of those things. You can repeat some of them, but you must check every single one off at the end of the 30 days.

3. Love the butterflies — Look, if being healthy, fit and happy were so easy, everyone would be there, but the reality is they’re not. It takes courage, which involves getting out of your comfort zone and feeling those butterflies in your tummy. I believe those butterflies are a VERY good sign; they’re proof that you’re ALIVE and living.

4. Ditch the diets forever — Why reinvent the wheel when there are coaches and mentors out there that know exactly how to get life long weight loss without dieting? And maybe have even created programs around how to do that. There to help you side step all those common obstacles and find success sooner than later. If it’s not me, than please find someone. You do not have to do this on your own, and working with a coach myself has been one of the best investments I have ever made in myself.

Diets and extreme exercise programs took away years of my life and happiness, and I HATE to see women fall into this trap every single day, which is why I am so passionate about sharing my story.

I have never felt so free in all my life, and I just want to show you there is another way and it doesn’t have to feel so dreadful.

Post your list on your bathroom mirror to remind yourself of your “Live as if” to do that day and actually DO IT… then just watch…

What would it hurt to just try? Butterflies? Oh, those are good, remember?


You deserve this,