Whew! I don’t know about you but my energy levels are so up and down right now.
One day I’m super jazzed and have a positive perspective around this whole situation… and then within a day I’m depressed and exhausted, wanting to stay in bed eating all.the.things.

You feel me?

Before I talk more about always feeling sleepy, I want to remind you — I know I recently gave you some tough love, BUT you’re still allowed to be sad. Feeling in the dumps around this is absolutely OKAY. Follow these 4 steps so you can stop numbing out and shift into a better mindset.

Your feelings are valid, and if you don’t give them the space to process through you you WILL continue to binge on junk, drown yourself in your phone, or drink entirely too much booze.

This exhaustion, though, is multilayered and a lot of it has to do with this intense situation shining a huge light on what’s NOT working.

If your:
… marriage was rocky before, it’s now on the brink of divorce.
… self care was minimal before, it’s now non-existent.
… depression was on the surface before, it’s now overtaken you.
… relationship with wine or food was unhealthy before, it’s now out of control.
… kids were acting up before, they’re now unruly.

You can no longer run from it.
It’s so in your face.
It’s non-stop.
And man, it’s tiring.

Do you want to know how to finally set yourself free from this shameful stuckage?

If you want to be able to look at your problems straight in the eye and say, “I CAN DO BETTER THAN THIS!” you gotta address your self care, first.
There’s no way you’ll have the energy to fix bigger problems like your marriage, depression or binge eating if you aren’t caring for yourself (even just a little).

Here Are 6 Practical Things I’m Doing To Move From Exhaustion To Empowered

  1. GETTING OUTSIDE — Breathing in fresh air and hanging out with trees boosts your mood and decreases anxiety… And they’ve proven that a 10 minute walk outside gives you just as much energy as a cup of coffee!
  2. KEEPING A MORNING ROUTINE — That could be showering, a 20 minute yoga video or doing a meditation. If you roll out of bed and get in front of the screen, you’re setting yourself to feel like a pathetic turd all day long.
  3. TAKING NAPS — With all the fear, panic and scarcity going on with the collective, it’s bound to rub off on us. Our nervous systems need a break, so give yourself permission to take some cat naps.
  4. FORCING MYSELF TO HAVE FUN — If it’s a 15 min dance party in my living room, sledding outside or playing a game, get some fun in your life. I know I have to make this a priority (because I have a tendency to take things too seriously).
  5. SAYING MANTRAS IN THE MIRROR — Your body is always listening, so stop putting her down and start saying things that will work to your advantage, like, “My body is strong! My body is powerful! I got this!”
  6. SPRUCING UP MY SPACE — Open up the windows (even if it’s just for a minute) to let in some fresh air, straighten up a messy corner, or make you bed. All of these things can shift you from feeling lousy to energized!

SIDENOTE: If you want to see these quick tips show up in your Facebook newsfeed, follow this playlist.

There ya have it, this is exactly what I’m doing to help with my exhaustion so I have the energy to fix the areas of my life that are making themselves painfully clear, they are not working.

Baby steps,

PS: I just so happen to be a part of a new summit called, “The Exhaustion Epidemic.”  If you’d like to hear my interview along with 21 other experts grab your spot here!


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