My Crazy Journey…


But before we go there I have a few questions for ya…

›› As a child, while growing up were you taught how to actually CARE for your body?! Exactly! Me neither. 

›› Have you had a hard time actually following through on the things you know you “should” be doing? I feel ya! Trying to WILLPOWER myself to “be healthy” was painfully exhausting. 

›› Do you feel lost? Extremes don’t work. Just loving your body feels impossible — so what else can you do? I know I was. 

Raised on hamburger helper and mac’n cheese by two party-animal parents I had NO IDEA what exercise was, vegetables were a foreign object and things like relaxing, and downtime NEVER happened.

Now, I love my parents and they did the best they could with the tools they had, but once I left high school, I was lost and gaining a lot of weight (anxious-binge-eating was my forté).

I had nothing to reference or any kind of skill set when I started my whole “get healthy/lose weight” journey… SO IT WAS A TOTAL CRAP SHOOT

I tried:

  • Counting calories

  • Shakes, pills, wraps

  • Working out 2x a day

  • Trendy diets #1, #2, #3… (I could go on forever)

  • An embarrassing number of exercise programs

  • And I even went under the knife and got plastic surgery 😞

If you’ve done any of those things you know how much they can SUCK. Especially when you are in a rough spot with no direction.

With each attempt to lose the weight it took a chunk out of my self-esteem. Leaving me stressed, obsessed and utterly hopeless.

After that, I kinda gave up… and soon I met my now husband who taught me what living was.

You see, I was a super up-tight-type-A and he was laid-back-lets-have-fun-go-with-the-flow-type-B.

We started doing things I’ve never experienced

  • Camping
  • Hiking
  • Biking
  • Skiing
  • Traveling
  • Rock Climbing
  • Snowshoeing
  • Relaxing (seriously, I never really did this)
  • Having FUUUUNNNN (I NEVER did this)

I was outdoors and ALIVE. I never felt so free in all my life.

Without even realizing it I found respect my body and wanted to care for her (and yes, lost all the weight)… This mutual respect translated to the kick-ass Wildly Alive body and life I’ve always wanted.

…and what I teach my clients every day.

I’m not a nutritionist or a personal trainer that will give some mindless plan to follow. I’m a coach that will help you see how badass your body really is so find respect for her.

Then, what naturally happens is you…

Eat in a way that’s respectful.
Move in a way that’s respectful.
And think in a way that’s respectful.

Resulting in a body that reflects health.

Over the last 10 years as a coach, I’ve helped ambitious women just like you do the same.

I’ve shown over 600+ women this creative approach and I hear them say, “Wow, this was so easy and actually FUN!” all the time.

I attribute my 82% success rate to my proven process and being right next to them every step of the way (I don’t believe in DYI programs).

What’s going on in your body right now, sister? Has your stomach turned, throat tightened up, or have you gotten the chills? If so, she (your body) is speaking to you. You’re in the right place.

If you’d like to explore a step further, get on the waiting list for the Embrace & Reshape Your Body Program or you can join my next in-person retreat!

If jumping into an extensive program like these right away feels like too much,  join my free ‘Wildly Alive Playground’ facebook group.

These are great ways to dabble in some Wildly Alive work without a huge commitment.

Sending you lots of love and the courage to create the life you deserve,


P.S. Here’s the recap:
I struggled A LOT with my body image + health.
I found a veeery unique approach by ACCIDENT (and it worked!).
I’ve been a coaching women for 10 years (600+ women).
And I have an 84% success rate.

Traditional Bio:


Nichole’s a coach, author, and speaker who helps women see their body as a living, breathing, FEELING thing so they can drop the struggle!

And create a life where they see food as their wingman, movement as their bestie and their body as their soul sister… Because when a woman is deeply connected to her body, she creates the life and body she’s always wanted, effortlessly.

She knows this to be true because it’s happened to her and thousands of her clients.

When she’s not fearlessly (but lovingly) pushing her clients into a lifestyle they deserve, you can find her laughing with friends, connecting with nature and loving up on her hubby, their son Wyatt and two dogs.

Curious if Wildly Alive is for you?

Sweet — here are three ways to play:
1. Get on the waitlist for the Embrace & Reshape Your Body Program
2. Join my free Wildly Alive Playground facebook group

3. Check out my Wildly Alive Coaching Podcast — Here’s episode #1 



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look and feel better?