Recently I’ve been binge eating more than I have in YEARS. Then it hit me.

Today is Wyatt (my son’s) second birthday. Gah, this is such an emotional time for me.

Two years ago I was IN THE THICK OF IT.

I was coming out of a super traumatic birth (which you can read alllll about here) and starting my super long, and suuuuper rocky journey into motherhood.

As I sit here, thinking back on the last two years, it’s hard to not cry. I was so broken and so lost for the majority of it.

I know we all go through times like these. When we’re knocked to our knees and feel like no matter how hard we try to get back on our feet, we keep getting blow after blow.

Whether it’s parenthood, a toxic relationship, or the loss of someone we loved, we can’t escape it. It’s a part of life.

When you’re being pulled to the food more often than usual I want you think if this could be an anniversary of some sort. THEN give yourself time to fully process whatever feelings are surfacing. Journaling, crying in the shower or going on a nature walk always help me process my feelings.

Another reason why you may be bing eating more than usual is because you’re being so damn hard on yourself.

Look sister the only way you’re going to overcome this is you FORGIVE YOURSELF.

DO NOT SKIP THIS. Because if you do, you’ll feel stuck eating your face off forever.

We do LOTS of forgiveness work in my group coaching program ‘Embrace & Reshape’. It’s imperative for moving forward.

To ensure you don’t skip it, let’s do it right now together.

Put your hand on your heart, close your eyes, and envision yourself as the wise, confident woman you are. And in your arms, you’re holding your struggling, sad, self in a long, warm, and loving hug. Just sit there for a moment and let the emotions well up.

Don’t be afraid of your emotions here. Feeling this is the only way to do this work (so you stop turning to the food at night).

Then, talk to her as if she was your daughter in a hard place (whether you’re a mother, or not). It’s time to parent your inner child.

Tell her everything will be okay. That she’s got this! And most importantly, that you forgive her for getting to this point. There are lessons here for her to learn, and once she opens herself up to those lessons, she’ll start to move forward.


The third and final reason why you may be binge eating more often is because you’re not prioritizing sleep.

Why is something so simple so freaking hard sometimes?! I get it. This is where I start with all of my clients

Sleep trumps diet and exercise! Did you hear that, lady? TRUMPS DIET AND EXERCISE. You gotta start getting 7-9 hours consistently.

You gotta just figure this out. Tell Helga that her excuses no longer have a hold on you. It’s time to stop listening to that shit so you can move forward already!

Shut off the screens an hour before bed and create a beautiful nighttime routine (journal, bedtime yoga, bath, meditation, etc).

Good sleep means you…

A self loving nighttime routine is key to a great night’s rest and less nightly binges. SCREENS OFF!

You got this,

P.S. Have you joined my free facebook group? It’s a BLAST ››

If you’re done saying, “Why am I binge eating all the time” and are ready to step into your Wildly Alive body — click here