Today, my husband Zac is making his debut nicholeappearance on the blog (perfect for V-day too)! You’ve heard all about Zac, I know, but something you probably don’t know is that as of January 2015, he has officially become the financial manager of Wildly Alive!

So the other night, I sat down with my new financial manager to talk about all of the expenses, income, and other finance-related aspects of the business. I won’t lie – it was hard for me! I felt vulnerable letting someone else into the business I love so much – but I knew that his probing questions and strong opinions were for a good reason, not to question me as a business owner or person.

As we talked, the conversation turned to all of the women I’ve talked to lately who want to join the Embrace & Reshape Your Body Coaching Program, but don’t think their partners would be on board with the expense and are nervous about asking.

It was such a great conversation – one that helped us as a couple going forward. I learned so much from Zac about making financial investments together, as a couple in the future.

I knew I had to share this information with you. If you’ve ever anted to buy something for yourself but were nervous about asking your partner — keep reading.

What to do before you have the conversation:

1. Zac says the most important thing to do is come prepared. Men like facts and want the logistical details. In the case of ladies wanting to join Embrace & Reshape, write down the packages, prices, payment plan options, the retail value, the duration of the payments, and a list of everything you get as a part of the program. (All of this is discussed once you apply)

2. Another suggestion Zac offered was to know where the money will come from. Don’t just say you won’t go shopping as much – show that you can handle financial responsibility to really impress your partner. For example, like you’re willing to stop going out to lunch 3x a week, give up the gym membership you never use, or stop the cleaning lady for a few months to account for this cost,

I couldn’t agree more with this! Take a look at your finances and get creative on how you can make it work. Show him how important this program is to you by offering to quit your Starbucks habit, cancel Netflix, or find a cheaper workout option than your expensive gym.

3. Zac also said not to assume your partner will say no, and that if they do say no, you shouldn’t get dramatic or whiny. Sometimes men just need more information – why is it important to you? How will you benefit as a couple?

I fully admit that I can be super defensive if Zac doesn’t say ‘yes’ to me right away. I’m learning that we are a team and that financial decisions should involve both of us, regardless of who makes more money. Ask your husband which questions he has and calmly answer them without going into I’m-going-to-do-this-whether-you-like-it-or-not mode.

During the conversation:

1. If you believe this investment will help your life together, Zac says you should start the conversation there.

A few years ago, I called him in tears from a conference in NYC, asking about joining a $20,000 business coaching program. Making financial commitment was stressful, but we did it together. We know now that we would not have the amazing life we’re living had I not joined that program – but if I hadn’t explained to him how the program would benefit our lives together – he may not have ever gotten on board!

Men understand that the saying, “Happy wife, Happy life” is true! Explain to your husband how feeling good about yourself, learning about your true passions, and losing weight will benefit you BOTH.

2. Zac says men want to make their wives happy, and that sometimes they just need to see how they can do that.

Saying something like, “It would mean the world to me to have your support here,” would be a great way to clarify that.

3. When it comes to this program specifically, Zac says your husband will most likely be wondering how this program is different than others, or why you can’t just do it on your own.

Be prepared to answer this question by explaining that this program is not a diet – but a coaching program. Bring some materials from my program with you to show your partner examples of how I coach, and what the program entails.

Also remember than men tend to “go it alone,” so explaining the reasons why a dedicated coach and a support group of women mean so much to you is key here.

Don’t do this:

1. Zac says it’s important not to just sign up without talking to your partner, or to keep it a secret from them! He still remembers in 2012 when I signed up for a business conference and didn’t tell him until a few weeks before I left – something I now realize was a big oops!

Downplaying the price, or hiding that you’ve signed up never works. Instead, acknowledge that this is an investment that you take seriously – seriously enough to have a sit-down conversation with him and place all of your cards on the table.

If you’re thinking of joining Embrace & Reshape, remember that the *doors are close soon*! I hope that this guide helps with conversations you’ve been putting off having with your spouse.

Zac and I want to know if the tips shared here work for you – tell us in the comment section below!


P.S. Just remember that you’re worth it – you deserve to feel amazing and I know that your partner agrees. But you don’t have to take my word for it. Check out these testimonials from husbands of my clients:


My girl was worth the financial commitment.. I love seeing her smile and shine from the inside out.

Small price to pay if i might say. That kind of sparkle , self esteem, happiness and confidence is priceless.
Nichole made it manageable for us so it came with no stress what so ever.” – Justin






Wildly Alive is an investment in your wife, your marriage and your family. It helps your wife to prioritize her emotional and physical health by immersing herself in the supportive program and community. The results are amazing, for our family, it has made all the difference. P.S. Nichole is awesome.” – Andrew






Of course you can do the program. It sounds great and it’s way less expensive than medical bills.” – John (another hubands client I didn’t get a pic of)