The night of January 1st when most people were nestled away on their couch watching movies, I went out and did something pretty badass… If I do say myself 🙂

It’s no secret that my almost 2-year transition into motherhood, and finding my “new normal” hasn’t been an easy one.

As someone who once thought they’d never become a mother, I was in for a big awakening once I really stepped in.

The first year of motherhood was a complete mess.

Last year (2017) was full of MANY health-related obstacles. Let’s just say that pregnancy, a traumatic birth, and a rough start caught up with me. No matter what I did, I just couldn’t find true health.

The Universe was sending me challenge after challenge (or how I like to phrase it, lesson after lesson). In December, I FINALLY got the message. Like, REALLY got it!

To slow the heck down!

To celebrate, I got a tattoo representing letting go of the “old me” and truly stepping into the “new me.”

To me, a plant signifies everything I want to embody from here on out.


A plant never struggles to thrive — it just does.

A plant doesn’t hide in the shadows, pretending to be something it’s not. It doesn’t fear being judged or not accepted.

I’m ready to embody that too.

In the past, I’ve resisted sharing some things with you out of fear you wouldn’t like me.

Well, I’m ready to let all of that go.

*I’m ready to share my passion for self-care and body acceptance (not weight loss), and not worry that you might think I’m going against everything I’ve stood for.

*I’m ready to share my love for this planet and not worry that you might think I’m some crazy tree-hugging-hippy.

*I’m ready to share with you my passion for you finding your VOICE and speaking UP, and not worry that you might think I’m a bitch for using mine.

*I’m ready to share with you my love for tarot cards, moon rituals, and spirituality, and not worry that you might think I’m some woo-woo woman who fell off the deep end.

*I’m just ready to be ALL of me!!!… and not going to worry that you might think I’m “too much.”


My hope is that by me stepping more into who I really am it’ll make it clear if you’d like me as your Wildly Alive coach or not.

This is extremely exhilarating and terrifying all at the same time.

I say you should join me.

No, I’m not saying all of my passions have to be completely lined up with yours for us to hang.

I’m asking if you would like to join me in stepping into a stronger, wiser, more badass version of yourself and not giving a shit about what other people think?

Yeah? Awesome!
Stick with me and I guarantee, together we’ll both find more confidence, energy and have a ton more fun in our lives!

Cheers to 2018,
Coach Nichole

P.S. After reading this post, if you’ve realized we’re no longer vibing – feel free to unfollow me or unsubscribe from my emails. Of course, I will miss you but I’m a big advocate of listening to your intuition! Do YOU sister. You can “love me from afar”


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