The other day a very pissed client in the Embrace & Reshape Your Body program posted this in our sisterhood:

So…I’m going to be honest. I have been censoring what I put in here. But I’ve decided that isn’t helpful. I have been so focused on the positive that I have forgotten that it’s ok to be angry. It’s ok to grieve. It’s ok to be scared. It’s ok to feel, we just can’t always live in those emotions.

So here’s what I’m asking you guys to do.

Tell me what you’re mad about. Tell me what scares you. Get it out. Yell, scream, cry, destroy something beautiful…and then take a slow deep breath. Count to 10. And tell me something that reminds you of how beautiful the world can be.

I’ll start. Because quite frankly I’m pissed off…
I’m pissed that I’m afraid of dying and I haven’t done everything I want yet.
I’m pissed I’m not getting paid.
I’m pissed that my boyfriend’s pay is being docked.
I’m pissed at all the people who won’t stay home.
I’m pissed that 4 of my friends have COVID.
I’m pissed that my best friend works in a hospital and I can’t protect her.
I’m pissed at all the pain that is going on in the world. I’m pissed at our government.
I’m pissed that I had to cancel my flight in April and that my sister’s wedding is in jeopardy.
I’m pissed that my mom and brother are high risk and I’m 2,000 miles away.
I’m so mad.

But (here’s the beauty I’m choosing to focus on)…
I have spent 2 weeks at home with my boyfriend and it’s been wonderful.
I ran 3.49 miles the other day and I’ve been working on that since I was 12. (I have a degenerative lung disease)
I’m a Maid of Honor and a Bridesmaid this year and I feel so honored.
I’ve always dreamed of being a bridesmaid (as well as a bride haha) and I’m so excited it’s finally happening.
I have beautiful strong relationships.

All of these emotions are valid. All of them are worthy of being felt. Feel them….just don’t stay in the anger.

I’m here for you.

This post BLEW UP. Women who I haven’t “seen” in the sisterhood in a while all of a sudden had lots to say…

So, sister, have YOU given yourself permission to get pissed?

Or have you, like so many other women are running away from it?

Running from it with…
The food?
The booze?
The weed?
The news?
Or social media?

Spinning in anxiety.

People ask me all the time how I can be so happy all the time… it’s because I’m not afraid of my rage. I’m handling this pandemic pretty well. Which is surprising, until I really thought about it.

Over the last two years, I’ve gone through some big shit storms. My marriage was on the rocks, I questioned Wildly Alive’s vitality, getting pregnant with baby #2 is taking sooo long, and then to top this off we were royally backstabbed by a family member.

I felt betrayed by life in so many ways.
I was in some major darkness, full of so much rage.

There were days where my rage would overtake my body so intensely, I thought it was just anxiety and stress.
I didn’t know what to do besides wish it away.
I remember one particular day feeling angry with my anger, ha! I JUST WANTED IT TO GO AWAY SO BADLY!!! AHHHH!!!!!

Feeling that made it so clear that I needed to give myself permission to fully feel my rage, so then it could move through me, and stop bottling up. So that’s what I did.

You can do this in many ways, punching a pillow, screaming in your car, or writing an angry letter (this is what I did). It felt so good. I felt like 100 pounds lifted off my shoulders.

I was JUST coming out of all this in February and feeling lighter and happier than I have in a VERY long time. Which is why I think I’m handling this better than expected.

So, without further ado, it’s time for YOU to feel your rage so you can stop the stress eating, drinking, scrolling, or whatever you do to numb out.
Comment here, in my private Facebook group.

If you want the anxiety to subside and feel some peace.
If you want to be able to see the beauty and lessons this situation has to offer, then you MUST allow yourself to get mad.
Don’t sensor anything. No one will be trying to “fix” your anger, we will just be there as a witness. 

When you finish commenting please support your sisters by replying to their post with, “I see you sister.”

Your feelings are valid.
Finish one of these sentences, “This isn’t fair because… or I’m pissed because…”


PS: Or, maybe you’re not pissed, at all. Maybe you’re feeling great with all this extra time AND THAT’S OKAY TOO!! I’d suggest that if you are feeling good, how can you be of service to those who need a little extra support right now?


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