Girls learn the most important thing about themselves is how they look.

Boys learn the most important thing about girls is how they look.

Girls look at themselves.

Boys look at girls.
Girls are held responsible for boys looking.
Girls change how they look.
Boys keep looking.

The problem isn’t how girls look.
The problem is how everyone looks at girls.
Solve the problem by teaching everyone that girls do not exist to be looked at.

Lindsay Kite

This is a quote that hit me like a 2X4.

If it didn’t hit you, read it again because it’s painfully true. As young girls, we are taught that the most valuable thing about ourselves is how we look.

Even IF your mother was a positive role model and encouraged you to have a healthy self image you can’t escape it. It’s a systemic problem deep within the roots of this country that we MUST speak up about.

It all starts with us, and we need to…

STOP buying into the ads tell us we aren’t beautiful if we age.
STOP congratulating/“liking” before and after pictures on social media (this idolizes thin-ness).
STOP following people/accounts that feed into your perfectionism and using their bodies to sell something.
STOP buying from companies that are marketing to your insecurities.
STOP thinking if you didn’t have belly rolls or cellulite that you’d be worthy of a better life!!!

Obviously, I have a lot to say here. Click the play button below and let’s squash this shit.
We, as women, deserve it.

Click The Orange Play Button & Let The Coaching Begin…


Sign up for FREE — The 10-Day ‘My Body Rocks’ mini-program
(as mentioned in this audio)

Look, sister. I’m gonna give this to you straight (because good coaches don’t beat around the bush).

Your body is a badass. Actually THE badest of badasses 😉 

And let me explain why.

Right now at this moment, and every moment after that, she is giving to you.
Relentlessly. Never-ending. Always giving to Y.O.U.

Even if you…

Don’t give her enough water
Force her to stay awake when she’s begging for more sleep
Never give her credit for what she does right
Don’t feed her nourishing foods
Force her to sweat when she may need a walk
Pick apart all of her imperfections
Keep her from being the healthy body she wants to be
Look at her and tell her she’s NEVER good enough

If you are ready to give the middle finger to our society’s problem of fixating on a woman’s body (and how it needs to look perfect) AND jump on-board with your body’s badass-ness, then press play right now.

How our bodies physically look is THE LEAST interesting about us.

I hope you liked this post on creating a kickass self image. If it resonated with you please share with the buttons below ♥