There’s so much information out there about how to eat: low carb, high fat, no carb, no fat, yadda, yadda, yadda. I don’t know about you, but I’m so annoyed by this. It’s not realistic and the minute you start there’s some new information out there about why it’s NOW bad for you.

You’re frustrated.

You’re annoyed.

And you can never win.

Do you want to figure out how to eat healthily AND feel good at the same time?

Do this: STOP listening to these lies and START listening to your body.

Your body knows exactly what makes her thrive and what doesn’t. 

Looking for that information outside of you isn’t working. The evidence on that is clear.

So why not try something new?

During this podcast we talk about:
›› The food groups diet culture has vilified.
›› How it’s only making things harder on you.
›› And how to start intuitively eating (so you can stop stressing and start enjoying your life!).

Click The Orange Play Button & Let The Coaching Begin…


Do you remember back in the day when the Atkins diet was ALL THE RAGE?! People were legit afraid of bread.

Then, remember how Dr. Atkins diet of a heart attack?!

And now with Keto and Paleo, it feels like the fear of bread is back FULL FORCE. When I’m working at my local coffee shop (which is also a fresh bakery) I’m appalled how many people sit around and talk about bread.

…How they’ll work it off later on a hike, or deserve it because they’ve had a hell of a week, or how it’s their cheat day.

It’s like they’re justifying it to themselves that it’s okay.

It’s absolutely OK to eat bread!

It’s silly if you really think about it. 

Plus, I’m sure they have much more interesting things to talk about.

Please let me be the first to tell you bread will not kill you. Haha!

I’m joking of course, but this is what it has come down to. There’s so much information about certain foods and how evil they are that we are now afraid of eating.

This is the prob people. We give our power away to others searching for the best way to care for our bodies. When in reality the answer is right in front of us.

During this podcast, we talk about all these “rules” and how to let them go so you can feel free (and healthy at the same time).

I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU: How does your body feel when you eat bread/grain? Does low carb living work best for your body? Tell me below