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This is when we eloped in Zimbabwe, Africa in 2014

Okay. I’ve been dying to share a story with you about a HUGE dream of mine that’s coming true AS WE SPEAK!!

Ah! It’s so good.
AND it wasn’t even my idea! I know sounds weird, but lemme esplain.

In November my awesome-but-crazy husband, Zac, had this idea that he wanted to get a ‘Wildly Alive Retreat’ going for me.

He knew I had always wanted to host one because I tried back in 2011 (more on this below).

So this is what he did…

He got the idea and reached out to my virtual assistants and business coach without me knowing. He asked them what they thought of his idea, they thought it was crazy but were 100% on board!

My assistants helped him gather ALLL the information he would need. Including the email addresses of those who’ve worked with me since 2011.

He sent out the secret email and GUESS WHAT!?!

Over 35 women replied back with interest!

My jaw still drops over that number.

From there, he got to work. He started getting quotes for hotel rooms, keynote speakers, and food.

He wanted to create a solid structure for me to build upon and get 15 women signed up by the time he surprised me. It was planned to happen on Valentine’s day, via Facebook LIVE. Then, I’d still have 3 months to plan all the details.

Isn’t he amazing? Like, who does this shit? Do you see why I asked him to marry me?

HE is the reason why Wildly Alive exists. He taught me what living wildly was allll about. I used to be THE most uptight-calorie-counter-follow-my-schedule-no-spontaneity-type ’A’ person you knew.

I was always stressed, trying to micromanage my life, and never had aaaaany fun. Until I met him.

His, “LET’S JUST HAVE FUN” philosophy towards anything and everything fed my starving spirit.

Anyways, in January things were starting to get very real. The ladies were beginning to ask a lot of questions that he really didn’t have the answers to. I get it — this is a big investment.

So, he had to spill the beans early.

I was totally surprised and excited but also slightly overwhelmed… haha.

But to my relief, the magic around this whole retreat continued as I took over.

After I got all the details laid out like…
*No corporate hotel. Instead, a cozy “Inn” where all the sisters would stay together.
*A private backyard up against the river so we could do yoga and dance under the stars together.
*No keynote speaker just heart-felt activities ran by me, like how to explore your deepest desires (so we can make them come to life).
*What all the delicious (and nutritious) meals and snacks would be.
*What experiences I wanted you to have, like firepit circles, lots of laughter, and outdoor adventures.

…and 13 women signed up RIGHT AWAY!!

And now there are only 5 beds left!!!

Say whhhhhhat?!?!

This has been such an incredible process.

I see now that the pain from my first attempt at hosting a retreat really scared me. It was a total flop, and I was devastated.

I’ve been scared to even *think* about it. The risk of failing again was too hard to face. I’m beyond grateful to Zac for this immense push.

There are so many lessons you can take from this story, but basically — think ‘crazy,’ think ‘big’, see failure as a part of success and screw what others may think or say.

THAT’S where your most Wildly Alive self exists 🙂

I’ll go MUCH more in-depth on how to do this exactly at my next workshop ‘Dream Big & Go For It” that’s taking place at the end of the month (more details coming soon).

For now, if you want to check out this ‘Adventure Awaits’ retreat here’s all the details:

It’s going to be awesome… and can you imagine we get to hug in person! I would SO love that.


P.S. If you are feeling the pull to join us you can save $200 if you sign up sooner than later. Here’s the link again: