Some important changes are happening here at Wildly Alive Weight Loss that may affect you. Please read this entire post.

I mentioned at the beginning of the year the meaning of my new tattoo… I was done hiding things from you, in fear that you wouldn’t like me or you might judge me.

And yes, I’m ready to be ALL of me and, that goes for my business, as well.

I’m done talking about weight loss.

Flatter, smaller, tighter, firmer, thinner, or cellulite-free aren’t words that resonate with me any longer.

It’s just not what I value anymore.

Truth is, I’m the least fittest and squishiest I’ve been in a very long time — and I’m totally cool with it. 

Don’t get me wrong I still care for myself like a CHAMP.

I eat in ways that feel best for my body, I move her often and my lifestyle includes a ton of self love.

AND I was able to look at my body in her worst state (right out of giving birth) and feel unconditional love for her. This was huge for me.

That’s enough for me, and THAT is what I want to teach women to find!

Trying to get that last little bit of squish off my body isn’t something that interests me.

And since it doesn’t resonate with me I need to make that clear moving forward or it will affect us both.

When a woman signs up, purely for weight loss, we both become incredibly frustrated because our values don’t match.

If you have worked with me, or even have been following me for awhile, you know the work that I teach is SO MUCH DEEPER than weight loss.

Yes, weight loss is a byproduct of my philosophies. That’s why I still felt comfortable talking about it. But now, I’m over it.

I want women to want to work with me because she wants to…

*Feel more confidence and energy

*Feel stronger (mentally and physically)

*Find unconditional love for herself and her body

*Be in a relationship that satisfies her soul

*Enjoy the finer things in life (like bubble baths and nature walks)

*Feel purposeful at work and home

*Feel proud as a mother and wife

*Have a good relationship with money (and makes lots of it)

*Ethically make decisions that positively impact this plant

*Live HER best and most authentic life (however that looks, no matter what others think)

*Stop hiding out, living small and finally go for those big dreams

*Have more FREAKING FUN (and shake her ass more)

I mean if she wants to lose some weight and feel stronger, that’s cool. I get that. But that can’t be the ONLY thing — or the primary motivator when signing up with me.

Feeling ALIVE and creating a life and body she adores needs to come first!

So what now?

1 – Well, my business is now just Wildly Alive. That feels INCREDIBLE TO SAY! My website is undergoing a huge remodel. We’re starting from scratch! It’ll look nothing like it does now. (Think lots forest and natures pics!).

2 – I’m dropping my maiden name, from here on out. ‘Hi, I’m Nichole Wurth.’  🙂 This is just a part of the shedding process of who I was and who I am now.

3 – I’m going to start talking about areas of life I usually only discuss with my clients.

*Conscious parenting
*Environmental awareness
*And lots of mindset/Helga stuff (perfectionism, guilt, stress, emotional eating, etc), because that’s my fav.

I’m not abandoning all of my core teachings. I will still be focusing on self-care. That’s the foundation of a Wildly Alive lifestyle.

The only difference is that, now, I’m talking publicly about all the areas that embody this way of living.

By this point, you could be totally jazzed and excited about this new change – hell yeah! You’re obviously in the right place. Just stay tuned and keep opening your emails from me. I have some SUPER EXCITING stuff planned (soon!).

Or you could be turned off, which is cool too! I’m a big advocate in following your gut. If this is you, go ahead and hit unsubscribe from my emails. No hard feelings — we can still totally love one another as we part ways.

Cheers to change, my love,

P.S. I’d love to hear what you think about these changes — tell me in the comments below.