You want to feel better in your body, but your willpower is all dried up… I’ve been there! 


And guess what? You’ve came to the right place because I’ve found a MUCH easier way.

Let’s start here (check all that apply)

On some level, you believe…

›› You have to workout HARD every time ‹‹
›› Walking doesn’t count as exercise ‹‹
You have to limit your calories ‹‹
Sugar is the devil. You can NEVER have it ‹‹
Relaxing is for lazy people ‹‹
Eating bread is a sin ‹‹

Yup. I did too…

Hey, I’m Nichole Wurth and my passion

is to help women become BFF’s with their bodies so they can feel damn proud when they look in the mirror – forever.

After 10+ years struggling with my own health and body image I realized that we’re taught to lose weight and find health TOTALLY WRONG and it actually KEEPS US STUCK!

True success doesn’t involve good food/bad food lists, killing yourself with workouts or tracking your calories. 

(If you’re anything like me your body just relaxed after reading that sentence… cuz’ the last thing I wanted to do was count calories for the rest of my life! Talk about feeling caged.)

So, after aaaa lot of trial and error, I finally found what works and Wildly Alive was born. We show women this easier and more enjoyable way into looking and feeling their best, and have a damn good time while doing so.

We don’t give mindless plans to follow. We coach you to help you heal your relationship with your body so you can see how badass she really is… And in turn, you’ll find respect for her.

And then what naturally happens is you’ll start…

  • Eating in a way that’s respectful.
  • Moving in a way that’s respectful.
  • Thinking in a way that’s respectful.

Resulting in a body that reflects health. Because NEWSFLASH: SHE (your body) is the one with all the answers, NOT ME (or any other doctor, coach, trainer, or nutritionist).

She is a LIVING, BREATHING, FEELING thing, just like a plant.

She is your strongest ally, your wisest friend, and your deepest spiritual teacher… And by learning how to listen to her you find a tool to sustain health, forever.

Over the last 10 years, Wildly Alive has helped ambitious women just like you feel better and look better by figuring out what their body needs to thrive.

We’ve shown over 700+ women this creative approach and we hear them say, “Wow, this was so easy and I’m actually enjoying this.” all the time.

We attribute our 84% success rate to our proven process, and the incredible sisterhood and coaching you receive (you won’t find a single DIY program here!).

QUESTION: What’s going on in your body right now, sister? Has your stomach turned, throat tightened up, or have you gotten the chills? If so, she (your body) is speaking to you. You’re in the right place. Keep reading.

Ready for the next step?

Here are four ways to start exploring if Wildly Alive is your jam! Click whichever image calls to you.

Check Out the Next Wildly Alive Retreat

Get on The Embrace & Reshape Your Body Coaching Program Waitlist (doors opening soon!)

Join the Free ‘Wildly Alive Playground’ Facebook Sisterhood

Apply For a Free Wildly Alive Workout Planning Session (with Nichole)

Wanna hear some interesting (and slightly embarrassing) facts about Nichole?

° Freshmen year of high school she owned a piercing gun and would host “piercing parties” Ha!

° She rebelled a bit more and got her tongue and belly button pierced.

° Aside from her wild side, she graduated with high honors (something she’s incredibly proud of).

° She’s been in business for herself since 2006!

° She asked her husband to marry her and they secretly eloped in Zimbabwe, Africa 3 months later.

° In 2016 she became a momma (and that was the biggest and toughest transition she’s ever experienced!)

° She hosted her first Wildly Alive Retreat because of her husband! Yes, it’s a crazy story, read it here.

° In 2018 she found the courage and did something she’s wanted to do for years — she dropped “weight loss” from her business name.



Traditional Bio

Nichole is a coach, author, and speaker who shows women how to become BFF’s with their bodies, so every time they look in the mirror they say, “Damn. I ROCK!”

Because when a woman sees how badass her body really is, she creates the life and body she’s always wanted, without force or willpower. While also finding her opinion, her voice and her power.

She knows this to be true because it’s happened to her and thousands of her clients.

Nichole has written two books and has a 84% success rate in her programs.

When she’s not fearlessly (but lovingly) pushing her clients into a lifestyle they deserve, you can find her laughing with friends, connecting with nature and loving up on her hubby, their son Wyatt and two dogs.

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